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Day 24 - The Final Day

We woke up to what felt like any other day, but slightly somber for our last day out in the field and excited to rock on with our last bit of geology. It was a quick drive to reunite with Darren and his graduate student Liz Bertolett who came along to help us learn about Akaroa Volcanic Complex. After a windy hour and a half drive, we took a short break in the small town of Little Rock for some much-needed coffee and one last take-away brunch. Back in the van, it was another forty-five minutes of meandering tiny mountain roads, much to displeasure of the back third row of the van. When we finally reached Panama Rock and happily piled out of the van, we were greeted with an incredible view of the inside of a cloud! After a short hike to the top with a brief lunch break, we set out to start our last field exercise, but not without our routine stretch lead by Lieutenant Dan.

Limbered up, our assignment was to split up into six groups dispersed across the crest of Panama Rock and measure the strike and dip of the various rock faces in each area. Reunited, we compiled our data together and mapped the crest and looked at the trend in the changing strike and dip throughout the crest of the ridge. With a bit of confusion in visualizing the results, Darren came to the rescue with a 3D model, in the form of a pear and sharpie. Describing the process as an “onion layering” of lava dome emplacement, Darren explained how the crest came to form the pattern of the strike and dip data we collected.

With the exercise completed we piled back in to make one last stop at Little Rock for some souvenirs, chai tea, hot chocolate, and cake. But our day wasn’t quite over yet! There’s no way the trip could’ve ended without doing one last road outcrop. A short ways outside Little River, we came to the side of a vast towering wall of lava flows. With one last STC, we compiled all we learned over the month for one final brief discussion lead by Darren and Guil.

To complete our last day out, we tried our hand at one last jumping photo. But as per usual, it took us four attempts to try and get any results. With Darren not coming to dinner tonight, we all said our goodbyes to him and got into the van for the ride back to the YMCA. Still on a mission to find Iceys, Lieutenant Dan lead us to three separate gas stations on the way home until we finally found the Chill Zone we had been hoping for. A quick stop at the YMCA had us shower and change before heading out to the Astro Lounge for one final dinner with everyone who’s helped teach us along the way. With one last groovy dinner as a group and a night to remember, it’s hard believe this trip is at an end.

Signing off for the final time,

Reid & Lowry
